Community Hello everyone!

Dec 4, 2017
Hi everyone! I'm new to Freedom and as a Youtuber in general, but i figured it would be cool to come here and interact with you all. I'm going to use the template, because it's a really nice one.

Your name/alias: Samuel. I don't have any problems using my real name on Youtube.

Where are you from?: Brazil.

How did you find Freedom!? - I discovered it today in a video i was watching. It had the referral link.

What made you join our forums?: I just want to be able to interact with other Youtubers.

What are your hobbies?: Just gaming really.

Why did you start YouTube? - I started as a passion project because i'm a gamer ever since i know myself as a person and i really want to be able to work on it in some fashion. It doesn't matter if it's by making videos to entertain people or by writing articles about gaming but it is my dream to work with gaming.

What kind of channel do you run?: As you may already expect, it's a gaming channel. I focus primarily on the indie game scenario. I usually do live streams on a daily basis. Currently, i'm playing The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+, Terraria and Cuphead. A lot more will come in the near future. The secondary focus is classic games from the 16 bit era and the Mega Drive is the one i'm going to work with the most as it was the console i grew up with.

How frequently do you upload?: I do live streams daily on indie games. I used to upload more edited videos on a daily basis, but i stopped because i was uploading many long videos and, as a result, i don't get as much engagement. So i stopped for some time to rethink the way i'm going to edit and upload my videos. I'm trying to focus on shorter videos now and i'm starting to upload edited videos every few days.

Thank you for reading all of this (if you did) and i guess i'll see you guys around!


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
welcome to freedom, seeing you do play some older games will you ever take a look at total annihilation or that era of gamin? anyhoe I hope you like it here and that we see you around