Community Hello freedom

Rhys fouracre

Rising User
Feb 2, 2016
United kingdom
Rhys fouracre
Where are you from?: england
How old are you?: 15
How did you find Freedom!? By a nicsgames ceo of
What made you join our forums?: To get help and help others with youtube and general stuff
What are your hobbies?:minecraft gaming
What is your favorite food? Bugers
Why did you start YouTube? To show that people with verbel dislyxia can still make videos and mainly as i been inspried as i saw loads of people having fun at it
What is your biggest dream? To have subs and a friend to play online with but mainly to be safe and not bullied anymore.
What kind of channel do you run?: a minecraft channel mainly with new stuff when ever. Vlogs. All around type.
What kind of content do you upload? Minecraft modded and minigames plus vlogs with laughs
When do you upload?: mondays and thursdays. But expect an odd day for vlogs
Channel link: