Gaming Hello


New User
Feb 26, 2016
Optional) How old are you?: 14
How did you find Freedom!? a friend
What made you join our forums?:
What are your hobbies?: basketball,minecraft
What is your favorite food? tacos
Why did you start YouTube? i was inspired by LordKolten Aka Kolten because iv always wanted to ineract with the gaming community
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? to become sucsesfull on youtube
What kind of channel do you run?: gaming
What kind of content do you upload? minecraft
When do you upload?: 1-3 times a week
Channel link:
i recently did a channel revamp thats why i only have 1video uploaded


Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Welcome to the Freedom! forums. Glad to have you around!

Here are some other things you can do as a new member:
  • Learn how to add a link to your channel below your signature here
  • Get the partner badge if you are already partnered with Freedom!
  • Read through the forum rules
  • Check out our FAQs
  • Swing by the chat box located at the bottom right part of the forums
Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D