Music Hey Guys! I'm a song cover artist :D

Damo Voshall

New User
Jan 9, 2016
My name is Damo Voshall
My channel is doing pretty well in a short time
I have about 450 subscribers so far
I've had my channel for about 2 months
My youtube goal is to be able to make a living off of my music
I've been playing guitar for 4 years
I live in the US Nevada
I love talking and replying to anyone and everyone
Thank you guys so much for everything! <3


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
welcome to the forums! We're all here to help each other out!

If you want to grow, consider who you might wanna assist here in return, if you like what their channels provide of course, not just blind sub for sub :)

if you have any questions feel free to ask :)


hey coolio - another music cover artist! I do music compositions, covers, remixes etc as well! Always good to see some diversity :)

I also run an exposure recruitment label called Sonic Disc Productions - it's in my signature the link - my links don't appear to be working for some reason - working on getting that fixed - but you can copy paste the link and check it out if you want - it's brand new so we're just starting to get new members but hopefully it will be a growing force for promoting other users! Check it out if you're interested!