Gaming Hey guys im Kovo! :D


New User
Feb 9, 2016
My name is Liam, (Male) I train for ballroom and latin dance and in my spare time I like to play games. I used to play games in all of my spare time, but now JUST playing games, was starting to get boring. So I decided I would make a youtube channel. I was so excited to do this because ever since I was 10, I had wanted to make a youtube channel, but I was embarrassed. So I didn't do it, and I waited until my voice got a bit deeper, and I got a better computer, and I met some amazing friends. So, now I try to make (Funny) gaming videos with some of my friends. I am always looking for more people to play with if anyone wants to play a game or make a video.

I started a youtube channel wanting to make people laugh, and I was so happy when after an hour I had 56 views. I don't know if thats alot of views in that amount of time, but I was just excited to get things going. I talked with one of the viewers and he ended up subscribing.

I mostly play the games: Rainbow Six: Siege, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Garry's Mod, etc. I am also open to trying other games if you would like to see me play, or play that game with me.

So yeah, thanks for checking me out and hopefully I will see you in one of my videos :D

Chris Paternoster

Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
i make gaming videos as well!
Everyone here is very help fully as i havnt long joined and found everyone very pleasant and very helpfully hope you find the same i have here and good luck with your channel!


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask