Gaming Hi Freedom Community. (introduction)

Gnar Mains

New User
Feb 12, 2016
I'm from Italy and I recently moved to Argentina because family's work issues.

I'm 18 years old and my birthday is the 08/23 (I know you don't care but, anyway.)

I found Freedom on YouTube.

I saw all those positives comments and I thought (OMG, that's imposible, these people are so kind). So, as I am a new YouTube user, I just wanted to have some feedback and some contacts.

I'm a swimmer, I produce music and recently make videos for YouTube.

My favorite foods are ramen, pizza and lasagna (mmm mamma mia).

I'd already started on this website, actually I had a channel with 500 active subscribers, but because of school I had to quit. Now, I'm ready to make awesome videos (with your help).

My biggest dream is create an illegal drug which makes the brain work faster, I'm aware of these new drugs that have a similar effect, but the majority of those drugs are fake, just kidding I would love to make a living out of YouTube.

I play League of Legends, my favorite champion is Gnar, in my channel you can find some tutorials and montages, for example BoxBox Gnar Montage (BoxBox is a proffesional League player who mains Riven and Gnar) and how to cancel Gnar animations.

Anyway I might change my name to move on with other horror games, hope you give me some advices ;D.

I'm uplouding once a week basically cause these kind o
f videos take a lot of time to produce, and I got to addmit it's ruff.

Maybe some of these questions where kinda weird but, if you liked what you just read, don't be afraid of clicking the link bellow (My mmm channel).
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