Entertainment Hi! I'm Vitz!


New User
Mar 13, 2016
So, I said in an earlier video I would introduce myself... Well... here we go I guess. (it won't take too long)

Hi guys. I'm [Vitz!] an artist, learning musician creator of some "memey" videos ou there. I joined YouTube since 2005, but my first account was disabled due to some shady practices I had in the past (like posting a lot of tags in the description) and this account you are seeing now exist since 2007.

Since around 2009 or earlier I've been working on remixes and decided that my channel would have something to do with those and now I do a lot of other things too! My channel ended up becoming that type of channel where an artist talks about what he/she likes in the most varied ways possible. Be it through meme videos, mashups, remixes... If I am passionate enough to the thing I'm talking about I'll probably make something about it!

I joined the Freedom Family this year and a couple of weeks prior to this post to see if you guys can actualy help me grow on my type of channel! I want to invest on YT as a way to show my work and gather people who like what I also like! I hope we can all grow together!

I'm still thinking about an introduction video for my channel, so no need to call me on that! Also, I'm a brazilian, but I decided to move my audience to english speakers since I would reach a much broader audience.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
So, I said in an earlier video I would introduce myself... Well... here we go I guess. (it won't take too long)

Hi guys. I'm [Vitz!] an artist, learning musician creator of some "memey" videos ou there. I joined YouTube since 2005, but my first account was disabled due to some shady practices I had in the past (like posting a lot of tags in the description) and this account you are seeing now exist since 2007.

Since around 2009 or earlier I've been working on remixes and decided that my channel would have something to do with those and now I do a lot of other things too! My channel ended up becoming that type of channel where an artist talks about what he/she likes in the most varied ways possible. Be it through meme videos, mashups, remixes... If I am passionate enough to the thing I'm talking about I'll probably make something about it!

I joined the Freedom Family this year and a couple of weeks prior to this post to see if you guys can actualy help me grow on my type of channel! I want to invest on YT as a way to show my work and gather people who like what I also like! I hope we can all grow together!

I'm still thinking about an introduction video for my channel, so no need to call me on that! Also, I'm a brazilian, but I decided to move my audience to english speakers since I would reach a much broader audience.
Any length of post is great for your introduction, and the more the better! 2005 was a long time ago indeed, I only uploaded to my channel on 2012 for my earliest time. It's great that you're passionate about your work! You can definitely grow on freedom if you play your cards right. We try to help out family the best we can ^^