Gaming Hi there Freedom! family!

Arkzyy Editor

New User
Feb 2, 2016
The Netherlands
Hi there! My name is Mohamed el Mrini
I am from the Netherlands.
I am currently 15 years old.
I found the Freedom! network via YouTube.
I want to share my content to other people.
My favorite hobbies are football/soccer,gaming and editing.
My favorite food is Pizza, Who doesn't love Pizza? :)

I started already when i was 12. But i didn't upload that much. Then i created a channel where i made gaming intro's for people. Now i am a editor and want to entertain everyone that loves cod!

My biggest dream is to become a great editor and edit movies!
i run a editing channel where i make edits and might do some tutorials.
I upload montages and edits which looks the same but a montage is longer than a edit.
First i didn't upload that much because i kinda lost my motivation. But now i got a new inspiration to make new montages!
This is a link to my channel!
I hope you enjoyed reading my introducion to the Freedom! family!

- Arkzyy