Solved I have been un-partnered?

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IDz Temperzz

Freedom! Member
Oct 26, 2014
United Kingdom
Why has my YouTube channel been un-partnered with Freedom? My channel is good standing and i'm not sure what has happened. Can someone please inform me to why this has happened as I would like to re-partnered.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 28, 2015
New Jersey
Recently, YouTube has increased its mandate to ensure all channels do not violate YouTube policies, including their community guidelines, terms of service (TOS) and terms of use (TOU), which encompass strict rules regarding spam, copyright, misleading metadata, inactive accounts, and inappropriate content, among other areas.

We have recently reviewed all channels in our networks, and where we have found one or more videos that violate YouTube policies, the related channel was unlinked.

For background, please review YouTube's Policies and Community Guidelines including Spam and Copyright basics.

If your channel has been unlinked and you believe your channel has no violations, or you are willing to remove the video(s) with violations, please contact by creating a ticket or on Twitter at:

If you contact them on Twitter and get no response make a Ticket with the Inquiry Type set as "Unlinked Channel" then describe your situation. "My channel was unlinked and I don't know why, could I please have an explanation or get an invitation back?"

Click here to make a ticket.
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