I'm new to Freedom! I need a little help. :)


New User
Jun 20, 2016
Hello ya'll.

So, I'm thinking of joining Freedom!, but I have a few questions I'd like answered from those who have already signed up with this network.

Anyway, so here's my first question:

Is 60% a fixed rate or can I somehow increase that number? If so, how can I?

Also, is Freedom! dependable? Do they always pay by the end of the month, and if so, are they fair?

Can you leave Freedom! at any time? I know there is no lock-in contract, but I was swindled once by a network that claimed "no lock-in contract".

Do I have enough view retention and subscribers to possibly negotiate with Freedom! about an increase of revenue? To be honest, a 40% deduction seems massive to me.

I'd appreciate your help guys! I hope I posted this in the right section.
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Mythic User
Hey welcome to the forums, I'm a Moderator so you may want to hear others opinions also :p I also have a channel with the network though.

The 60% is just the default value, larger channels are able to increase their share up to 95% ( see http://freedom2.support.tm/customer/portal/articles/2240988 )

If you fill in your details correctly you should be paid at the end of the month every month, there is a 2 month delay when first starting however. After that you will be paid every month. 99% of people get paid, but there are always people who forget to fill in their paypal details or are from a country that isn't supported by paypal. If you do forget to fill in your details or aren't paid at the end of the month, the money will be held and can be later paid out as a back payment.

You can request to link at any time, although it does take 30 days to process.

From looking at your channel you should be able to get 70% and possibly close to 80% share to start with. Looks like your channel has lost views though, did you delete some videos?

Also just note that channel promotion in this section isn't allowed so I have removed that part from your post. If you have any other questions let us know :)