Gaming I'm Play It For The Story! Why not come and say hey?(:

Jul 22, 2016
Hello there! I have (Very) recently started up a new channel on youtube called "Play It For The Story" the idea came from wanting to play games and really indulge myself in the story that's written within them!

Unlike alot of youtubers these days, I'm committing to having no commentary atall, this way there is no distractions from the story it's self, for those who like to watch games like they do a movie, come check it out! I'll be uploading very consistent content, including large "Triple A" Games, as well as smaller "Indie" Type games.

I play video games every single day regardless, so why not record it and let others watch as they wish?!

There is no specific genre that will be played, just any game that seems interesting!

Feel free to come and see for yourself, thanks!

Youtube: Play If For The Story
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Hello that's a really good idea for a channel and not doing commentary is great unless the game is totally story based and its better if u link ur channel down here so that everyone else can have a look
welcome to freedom family
Jul 22, 2016
Hello that's a really good idea for a channel and not doing commentary is great unless the game is totally story based and its better if u link ur channel down here so that everyone else can have a look
welcome to freedom family
Okay thankyou, I had trouble linking the channel, it seems I must get a post count of 5 messages before I can do so, but asoon as I've done that I'll be sure to do it! and yeah you're right, it's better with story driven games, but that's what I'll mostly be playing, along with puzzle type games such as "Eyes of ara"
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Reactions: TheGaminCentral
Jul 22, 2016
Thankyou for the replies! I was wondering if I could get some help.......What do you guys think about the concept of my channel? Do you think this specific niche will be particularly "popular" , not to has millions of subs, but more for loyal, engaged subscribers that want to tune in every week for more content?