Daugust (4eTV)

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 7, 2016
Brasil, Ceará, Fortazela
Your name: Daniel, prefere to be called Daugust.
Where are you from?: Brazil
How old are you?: 18
How did you find Freedom!? in suggestion feed of youtube there was a video talking about "Freedom!" so the Idea just got stuck in my mind and I decided to join.
What made you join our forums?: exactly what made a lot of people join, know each other better.
What are your hobbies?: Play games, Watch Movies, Listen to music and create.
What is your favorite food? Pizza. (I love pizza)
Why did you start YouTube? My blog which is closed now.
What is your biggest dream? Being a pokémon master... just kidding, being a sucessful Game Designer.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gameplay channel
What kind of content do you upload? gameplays, curiosities and expecially Livestreams.
When do you upload?: every weekend
Channel link: http://goo.gl/mK0lUq

i want to share a little bit of my history with you guys and girls:


Hello, My name is Daniel, in my channel, I prefer to be called by the name Daugust.
In 2012 I created a blog called 4ergoes, whose its content was focused on Visual Novels. To put the video content of the blog, I'd created the 4erogesTV, a youtube channel with no pretention on growing. The time has passed, and I had some problems with my channel.

After those problem in 2013 or was 2014, I created this channel, the 4eTV, which I focused in producing content together with my blog, the result was not that good, Until today I don't have even half of the subscribers of my last channel.

In january of 2015 I went to a college and a year later, I closed my blog to focus on my channel.

In the college i'm studying to be a Game designer, and part of the content of my channel will be focused on trying to teach some curiosities about how a game is developed.

Other content I'm producing are Gameplays, First impressions , and Reviews of games on the PC, PS4 and XBOX ONE, all of these are in portuguese, because I'm from brasil, and if the numbers of international subscription be high, I'll also produce content in english.


Olá, Meu nome é Daniel, no meu canal, eu prefiro ser chamado pelo nome Daugust.
Em 2012 eu criei um blog chamado 4ergoes, cujo seu conteúdo foi focado em Visual Novels. Para colocar o conteúdo de vídeo do blog, eu tinha criado o 4erogesTV, um canal de youtube sem pretensão de crescer. O tempo passou, e eu tive alguns problemas com o meu canal.

Após os problemas em 2013 ou era 2014, eu criei este canal, o 4eTV, que eu focada na produção de conteúdo juntamente com o meu blog, o resultado não foi tão bom, até hoje eu não tenho nem a metade dos assinantes da minha última canal.

Em janeiro de 2015, entrei em uma faculdade e um ano mais tarde, eu fechei o meu blog para se concentrar no meu canal.

Na faculdade eu estou estudando para ser um designer de jogos, e parte do conteúdo do canal será focada em tentar ensinar algumas curiosidades sobre como um jogo é desenvolvido.

Outros conteúdos estou produzindo são gameplays, as primeiras impressões, e resenhas de jogos no PC, PS4 e Xbox ONE, todos estes são em português, eu sou do Brasil e, se necessário, eu vou produzir conteúdo em Inglês.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey dude welcome to Freedom :)

your sub button shows an error , make sure to copy the last part of your youtube link and not all of it !

How is college and game designing going atm ?
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Daugust (4eTV)

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 7, 2016
Brasil, Ceará, Fortazela
How do I get the purple badge, every time i try o access the link in the topic about the layout of the introduction shows this
"Sorry, we couldn't find that page.
Maybe it was moved, deleted, or you accidentally mistyped the URL."
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Reactions: Prology


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
How do I get the purple badge, every time i try o access the link in the topic about the layout of the introduction shows this
"Sorry, we couldn't find that page.
Maybe it was moved, deleted, or you accidentally mistyped the URL."

I'm not sure says that for me as well ! you might have to contact support about the page error :)
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Reactions: Daugust (4eTV)