Community Looking for an animator.

X3 & Friends

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 6, 2015
Hello my name is Danny. I run a channel called X3 & Friends with a few buds of mine. Recently we lost one of our 2D animators due to lack of time, So now we are currently looking for a new one to animate our show In Five Minutes Or Less (FMOL). In FMOL we do reviews of various things, from games to shows to movies you name it. We were supposed to do about 3 of them a month but our animator was only able to complete one. (If you're interested in watching it view here:

This is a non paying job at the moment. To be quite honest I would love to pay everyone who works on all the content that we put out but with my current amount of subscribers it is not possible. Maybe in the future if you are still with us we will begin to pay you, as subscribers increase, a reasonable wage for your service and possible recompense for the work you did while unpaid.

If you're interested please let me know here.

You can also add me on skype at: djshadowxxx

or email me at: [email protected]

Thank you so much for your time and have a great day.