Gaming Looking to Colab - (Minecraft Redstone Minigame)

DrDepper LP

Rising User
Sep 23, 2014
I have a Minecraft series that I am looking for people to colab with on. The series is called "The Redstone Games" and anyone who has knowledge in redstone can join.
The Redstone Games is a minigame to test the knowledge and quick wit of the competitors. They will be given a time frame of 30 minutes to build the best redstone machine that they can and they can take advantage of any game mechanic whether it be natural mobs or pistons to aid in the redstone device. The redstone will ultimately be judged by the viewers through stawpoll in the description, but it will also be judged by us based off of a few categories including, efficiency, aesthetics, and creativity.
This is the pilot episode.

If you are interested in joining reply to this thread or email me at [email protected]