Gaming My story


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 29, 2014
Hi My name is Kevin or Mckeviin on YouTube and social medias. First of all I just want to say that I've never been good at expressing myself or talking. I've always been the quiet guy who almost never could stand up for myself. My story starts when I was small. Growing up in a family with 7 siblings and only a mother (my dad is alive. He just wasn't there enough) was tough. Especially in a poor family. My mom or dad for that matter has never worked in my whole life. And that made me grow up in a poor family without any motivation och inspiration to do anything. I've had depression and similar as long as I can remember. And when I lived at my mom's place we always fought and every time something happened. She blamed it on me. Because of that I had to move back and forth. From my mom's to my aunts. To supportfamilies or whatever they are called. Until I got my apartment. I had to leave my siblings and take care of myself (with help from others) when I was 17. I'm 22 now and have never worked in my whole life because of depression and lack of motivation. I can't keep a job. I've had internships. But it didn't work out. Now the Youtube part. I started Youtube because I like playing games. And I like showing people games. I like the community and comments I get from people who like my videos and the stuff I do. I like making them happy. And Youtube is on of the few things that makes me happy. I would also like to try to get out of my comfortzone and try to talk too more people and have a community that can help me with my, let's call them negativities. I don't even know if that's a word. But now it is :p. That's was just a part of my story but if I'm gonna write down everything I'll sit here a long time. My Youtubechannel
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 29, 2014
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania
Interesting channel, but interesting channels are what make it big so I wish you luck. If you need some help be sure to always refer to the forums as they can always be of help. To start you off some important links are down below.