Gaming My Youtube Story

Scruff Games

New User
Aug 23, 2016
I started youtube on a really bad, old, laggy computer. I made videos of minecraft, and when i saw just 2 views on a video, i just got so happy. But back to the actual computer, I didnt mind that my computer was so laggy, and filled with viruses. I just wanted to make videos and interact with my 3 subscribers (at that time). All those videos are on a different account though. A few days ago, i got a shoutout from a small channel, (bigger then mine), But when i saw his comment on my latest video saying "Hey! I just gave you a shoutout!", i went and saw his video and i was just so happy when i saw my channel on his video, and i still got 3-4 subs, but that doesn't matter. Anyways back to my story, i got a really nice gaming desktop for my birthday and that can run games much better than the old computer. I also got a much better recording mic, cables, etc. I really like seeing only 7-10 views on my videos. I just feel really happy;y when i see those people commenting on my channel and videos. So all i am saying is that you don't have to have the best things to start a youtube channel, you just have to be motivated and happy! It might take i little while, but i think that if you are motivated to do something, that you can and you will do it!

Ada Horror

Mythic User
Jun 10, 2014
Sweden , Falun
Welcome to this network mate:D FREEDOM!!!!:D:D:D
awesome to have you here with us:)

could you link ur channel or fix ur youtube button so we can check it out:)?

I sent you a short guide on PM to help you here in freedom:)
I hope you have a wonderfull time here as much as many have :)

Have a great day