Gaming New to youtube


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 27, 2016

My name is Nayeem

I am a starter upper in making videos, i am quite new to it and am a little nervous of having my videos view but i do my best to push those feeling aside and make my dream of becoming a successful YouTuber. I recently joined freedom in search of a place filled with people who share this ambition of doing this.

My channel is called Nayo
my latest video

Here is a little about myself: grew up in the UK, i grew up quite a shy person. But i wanted to become better so i broke out of my shell and gained extreme confidence in myself and set out to be the best person i could be.

check me out and leave me some feedback. If you guys want me to check out any of your stuff let me know.



Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey , Welcome to Freedom :) I'm from the UK to

I am very shy to , I have a problem when in big crowds and people are looking ta me I will shake a lot !

Are you enjoying fire watch ?

My name is Nayeem

I am a starter upper in making videos, i am quite new to it and am a little nervous of having my videos view but i do my best to push those feeling aside and make my dream of becoming a successful YouTuber. I recently joined freedom in search of a place filled with people who share this ambition of doing this.

My channel is called Nayo
my latest video

Here is a little about myself: grew up in the UK, i grew up quite a shy person. But i wanted to become better so i broke out of my shell and gained extreme confidence in myself and set out to be the best person i could be.

check me out and leave me some feedback. If you guys want me to check out any of your stuff let me know.

you need a cover photo..


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 27, 2016
Yeah lol i haven't gotten the chance to make one because i am horrible at using photoshop T-T
hopefully get it done soon tho

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion

My name is Nayeem

I am a starter upper in making videos, i am quite new to it and am a little nervous of having my videos view but i do my best to push those feeling aside and make my dream of becoming a successful YouTuber. I recently joined freedom in search of a place filled with people who share this ambition of doing this.

My channel is called Nayo
my latest video

Here is a little about myself: grew up in the UK, i grew up quite a shy person. But i wanted to become better so i broke out of my shell and gained extreme confidence in myself and set out to be the best person i could be.

check me out and leave me some feedback. If you guys want me to check out any of your stuff let me know.

Welcome to Freedom! I hope we can help you along the way to your YouTube success :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 27, 2016
Hey , Welcome to Freedom :) I'm from the UK to

I am very shy to , I have a problem when in big crowds and people are looking ta me I will shake a lot !

Are you enjoying fire watch ?

Yeah man, its a pretty good game. I am really enjoying it. If you like these types of adventure type games you should try it out.

thanks for welcoming me, its great to be part of this community
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Reactions: Prology


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Yeah man, its a pretty good game. I am really enjoying it. If you like these types of adventure type games you should try it out.

thanks for welcoming me, its great to be part of this community

Yeah I love them games , might have to try ! your welcome bro :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 27, 2016
Hey welcome to freedom :D hope you enjoy your time here on the forums we all aim to help each other grow so consider checking out your fellow members and if you enjoy what they create obviously let them know :)

yeah i will definitely do that, thank you for welcoming me :)
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