Gaming Newbie Channel

Oblivious Star

Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 12, 2016
Hello guys im a new channel starting out and i was wondering if you could give me tips on how to get more views because i have 43 subscibers but only getting 4 views? im a gaming channel but mostly do videos on minecraft
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The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome Oblivious to the Freedom! Forums.

There are multiple reasons why you might not be getting that many views than you would expect. These are but are not limited to:
  • "Dead subs" - Subscribers that joined due to a giveaway, sub4sub, sub-botting or any other mean which means that you, the creator, gains subscribers in a way of which the actual viewer does not like or has not seen your content. This leads to a massive deficit ratio on your channel, making you look like you are failing, this can easily be sorted by continuing to make content and gaining subs naturally, slowly decreasing the effect.
  • "Area of Gaming" - Gamers who play certain genres of games, or specific games, which might be unknown or are shamed for specific reasons; may be ignored. As you specified that you play Minecraft most of the time, this lowers your chance of finding new people, maybe you want to move into games which just released causing more people to view your videos. This is also known as "joining the hype train."
  • "Bad SEO" - SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is one key part of YouTube. This is mainly talked about with thumbnails, titles, descriptions, tags etc... Majority of these can be done on your own, but for tags, it may be easier to use secondary sources, such as, an easy to use tagging system where it generates the tags for you.
  • "Ignoring the bell" - Subscribers might be active but since YouTube requires the bell to be set to ringing so they can push notifications to your viewers, so maybe you want to remind your viewers to press that button to get notified!
  • "Randomness" - The title says it all. If you don't have a schedule, it is hard for your viewers to watch your videos as they cannot check your channel at specific times to make sure to watch it. If you do, well, it is obviously not this then..
That is not all, but can be some of the reasons.
Secondly, we require our members/partners to produce a bulky introduction so we know who you are as a person.
This is why we made a template, for you lot to use!
Follow the questions and edit your post with the answers.

Your name/alias:
Where are you from?:
How old are you?:
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?:
What are your hobbies?:
What is your favorite food?
Why did you start YouTube?
What is your biggest dream?
What kind of channel do you run?:
How frequently do you upload?:
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