No Man's Sky : Your Best Feature/Mechanics ?

As No Man's Sky Release date approaches in just 34 days! We wanted to know what has caught your attention about the game,what your most looking forward to seeing & what made you go Wow!

Our Best feature is Evolution! The mere fact you can witness evolution in this endless universe/Galaxy (However you perceive Sean Murray's Explanation) is just astounding!
Not only are there over 18 Quintilian Planets, each unique, each procedural generated! You can also Observe the natural evolution of the planet & solar system alike!
The possibilities with these mechanics truly give no man's sky a unique gaming experience...

Just Imagine it..Starting on a world with little lifeforms or vegetation to discover or maybe NO life at all! Then after many Real-time weeks Or Months, coming back to your starting world and seeing a Vast Ocean of Plantations,Creatures & maybe even A.I have set up shop on it... the possibilities with evolution are endless!

It's not only life that evolves but planets & Stars as well...

Imagine going back to your start point only to find that over the course of time your planet has been burnt to a crisp due to Heat Or Frozen for having moved to far from it's sun(Star)

Imagine going back to/before or after a super nova event! A Black hole where your star used to be!
Black holes are another aspect of NMS! Imagine just casually flying along when all of a Sudden...Sucked into a nothing-ness portal into oblivion! Game over..Restart! #WTF!

This for Us is Our best and most anticipating aspect about No Man's Sky.
Please leave your views & opinions below

Thanks for reading
AGNMS Founder.