Gaming On the search for the gamers of tomorrow!

What is your favorite game?

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Big PikachuPanda

Rising User
Jan 26, 2017
Hello guys, my name is BigPikachuPanda, which is also the name of my YT Channel, I am looking for any gamers that would love to grow their channel with me, if you guys would like to, contact me at my channel or post a comment here detailing your information and I would reply or get back to you, I am here for the same reason everyone else is, to grow as a family and expand our youtube channels. this is also a place for all the gamers that really want to grow their channels can all meet up and truly discuss times and games, thank you for reading

My YT Channel name is BigPikachuPanda. Come and check it out! (;
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"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Hello BigPikachuPanda & welcome to the Freedom forums. unfortunately I don't own or play either game so I can't vote :( my favourite game series so far is Dishonored :). If you're looking for others to work with on Youtube going over to the collab section which it looks like you have already done :). if you want people to give you opinions on your channel you could ask in the community reviews section (NOTE: you need the forum partner badge to post there). Also you should link your channel to your forum account by hovering over your name on the top right bar & select "Personal details" from there scroll down to the youtube channel box and follow the instructions in small text underneath it to make sure you get it right. then just save and you'll have a mini sub box which people can use to reach you channel quickly.​


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 24, 2017
Hello Panda, i looked at your channel and i like the content that you have posted so far. it would be awesome to collab but i dont have any capture device as of now for my PS4. If you want to add me on PSN my name is SprPsycho. I will be getting my HD60 soon hopefully.