VR Open Collabs Gaming and Channel Growing! Endless Possibilities


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 4, 2016
Updated 12/26/16
Hoping everyone's holiday was awesome and that you all enjoyed Christmas, We are back on since we all went on break from the holidays. Now is your chance to get your new years going and grow. We have lots of games for you to join in and play. We ask you have the following to join and that you at us on skype. Use #WP4TFreedom and the game you want to play, and we will send you information about the game you join.

Must be 16+ Age range
Must have a microphone *good/great* quality
Must have a good recording software, we can send you one if you needed
Must have the emulator and rom, we can provide if need them
Must complete the game and objectives that the host assigns

Please pick from the Projects In Need of Gamers section
~Confirmed Projects Starting Soon~ Projects Confirmed and have players set
-Tri-Pokemon Race Gold, Silver, and Crystal [Status - Full]
~Projects In Need Of Gamers~ Games Available To Join!
-Batman Returns Any% Race [Console - SNES]
- Legend of Zelda 100% Race [Console - NES] Must Get all Items, Upgrades, and Defeat All Dungeons
- Super Mario Bros 1 & 2 Any% Race [Console(s) - NES/SNES]
- Super Mario Bros 3 100% Race [Consol(s) - NES/SNES] Must complete all worlds and levels, no skips, or flutes
- The Lion King Any% Race [Console - SNES] [Status - Minimum 1 more player needed]
Player #1:
SecretFrenchFRy Player #2: Michael Robinson Player #3:AvailablePlayer #4: Available
~Projects In Planing~ Projects in planing, nothing confirmed and testing
- Team Battle Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red 2v2 Any% Race
- Kingdom Heats
- Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time
- Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
- Resident Evil 4
We are are open to games as well if you have a suggested game on emulation NES - PS2 we are open to hear it. Please bear in mind, that once you start, please finish it. It takes alot of time to get these going, and finding people to join in projects on short notice is very difficult. We also are limited to 4 screen in a video. But you can take part in as many projects as you like. Do one at a time. With all this in mind, add our skype and we will send details on project.

~Contact Information~
Email - [email protected]
Skype - nick.a.mikoleski Use this in invite #WP4TFreedom and the project you like to join
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLrFERfSfkW0E9-HWZEzkvw