Plague Inc Evolved

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
So I'm going to be breaking down this thread into two parts, the first I shall explain a little about Plague Inc Evolved and the second part I shall ask people's opinion on the game and general things about the mechanics, style and 'playability' of the overall campaign.

So here goes the introduction.

Plague Inc Evolved is a remake of the Plague Inc, which is a real time strategy, simulation video game developed and published by Ndemic Creations. The game focuses on you creating and evolving a pathogen (be that a virus, bacteria, worm or nano-virus, in an effort to destroy the world. The game uses an epidemic model with a random set of variables to simulate the spread and severity of the plague, and uses this to determine how fast the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and other countries can develop a cure for your chosen pathogen.

I have just completed the main game of Plague Inc Evolved and I have to say it was both a unique experience - both challenging and equally rewarding especially as your develop your pathogen and make the game essentially harder for yourself as the cure percentage gets closer and closer to 100%. Further to this I felt there needed to be more variety in regards to the 'missions' typically each pathogen reacted the same (with some very minor changes) and this caused the game to feel repetitive and become stale rather fast. Personally I feel like some of the scenario were too difficult for a casual player of the game, especially the later ones such as the Necroa virus of Simian Flu - unless you knew a way to 'cheat' the system this would result in you loosing time and time again.

So now I open up the discussion to everyone else with a few questions : -
- Have you played either Plague Inc or Plague Inc Evolved
- What did you enjoy about it
- What did you dislike about the game
- Did you feel like the game became stale
- What would you change if you could / what would you like to see implemented.