Gaming Please Review Banshee Videos -Tv

Banshee Videos

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 7, 2016
"Hello Freedom. I am Michael Howard, or SGT_Shadow on Banshee Videos. We have been a YouTube channel for around 2 years but have only just got really serious this Christmas when we joined Freedom. We have upgraded our Thumbnails, Channel Art, and we have a new channel introduction coming tomorrow. If ANYONE is interested :) please head to the link I have posted in this comment. And it would be an honour to me and my Fiancée (Who are getting Married in September) if people would visit our channel. http://www/"

The above was posted on a George Show Video, but this Forum is about what You guys think of myself and my Fiancée's channel. Thank you and I look forward to seeing your comments.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey dude , Welcome to freedom :)

Nice 2 years is a long time ! its nice to hear you have done a revamp on your channel and I hope It all works out !


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
"Hello Freedom. I am Michael Howard, or SGT_Shadow on Banshee Videos. We have been a YouTube channel for around 2 years but have only just got really serious this Christmas when we joined Freedom. We have upgraded our Thumbnails, Channel Art, and we have a new channel introduction coming tomorrow. If ANYONE is interested :) please head to the link I have posted in this comment. And it would be an honour to me and my Fiancée (Who are getting Married in September) if people would visit our channel. http://www/"

The above was posted on a George Show Video, but this Forum is about what You guys think of myself and my Fiancée's channel. Thank you and I look forward to seeing your comments.
Heya Michael, I'm glad that you worked up to joining freedom! People will come to your channel naturally, you don't need to request them to go ^^

If you want reviews, I'd consider going to the community reviews forum. I linked you an additional post, that has to do with introduction etiquette. It will help you organize everything much more smoothly ^^