Promoting Yourself


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
So after having an argument with the guys on reddit, it's safe to rule them out as any media sharing. You can spam 90% of anybody elses content, and 10% of your own, might be considered.

My argument is how do they know what content belongs to who, and how can they throw ban hammers for not knowing?

Anyway, reddit. Don't even consider it. Just keep going there for the porn and free trojans.

Apologies to anyone who successfully uses reddit and keeping below the radar.


Rising User
Jan 11, 2016
I would defienilty reccomend getting on google+ and sharing your videos there. I don't know if its google plus or just the actual content but one way or the other ive gotten a few new subs (before i joined freedom) and gotten some new comments and likes. Long story short, i am getting more communication with my audience. I desire a lot more of that interaction and I will get that more as my channel grows. But its like other people said, just keep putting out content. Eventually it will happen for you man.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
That's interesting. I'm on google+ but haven't noticed. Is there a privacy setting that could be overlooked?[DOUBLEPOST=1452623948][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok think i've set mine up better for people to see and get around.
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Mythic User
So after having an argument with the guys on reddit, it's safe to rule them out as any media sharing. You can spam 90% of anybody elses content, and 10% of your own, might be considered.

My argument is how do they know what content belongs to who, and how can they throw ban hammers for not knowing?

Anyway, reddit. Don't even consider it. Just keep going there for the porn and free trojans.

Apologies to anyone who successfully uses reddit and keeping below the radar.

Did you follow the rules on reddit, they are quite strict on self promotion. Depending on which subreddit you are in you should comment on at least 10 links before posting any links, it doesn't matter if it's your own or someone elses.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
I read the FAQ through and if i'm honest, it was hazy at best. Hence the need to speak to a mod. After initially being accused of trying to "Game The System",when in actual fact I was trying to understand their system better. The mod eventaully became reasonable and understood my point.

Anyway, if you use reddit to promote, you need to comment, and vote at the very least of what koala stated (10 times), before you can submit a link. Whether it's your own channel or somebody elses.

What I do recommend should you decide to use reddit is to talk with a mod first, as even then you can still have your links removed and yourself banned. They don't know you are a content creator at the end of the day.

All Games Must Die

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 15, 2015
I don't use any social media for promotion well except for Google plus I suppose, a little anyway. I will tell you what has mad a difference for me and that's speaking up and engaging with the community and being myself. I know it's like YouTube 101 but it's one thing to say it and another to do it and do it meaningfully. I had never really commented much on videos ever in my life really at all and not really even much on the forum here or on Freedom videos. I just thought maybe people wouldn't like my opinions or understand me since that's pretty much all I've come across in real life. However, I recently commented on a Freedom video about Freedom paying out $1.5 million to members and George liked it so much that he made a whole video about it titled, From Wrestling To Youtube and that video is currently bringing more attention to my channel than it has received in the lat year combined! I have to live up to it now. The content on my channel so far has just been a test. I was testing out different technical and creative things but way better things are coming from me now. So yes what I have to share is that, the most basic advice you've ever heard is true, be active, be engaged and be yourself most of all.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I'm actually getting promoted sometimes by other without asking :D Like today for example here ->

Sometimes you just have to be lucky to be found by someone who just likes your content and want's to share it like bloggers for example.
For me Instagram works as wel I try to get my vids out there but also follow people with similar interest to get them to follow back and engage in one of my post or eventually video's!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 4, 2014
Social media helped me a lot with promotion. I upload Game Development tutorials. As soon as I'm done uploading a video and making the necessary changes to it, I share it on Twitter first. There are bots on Twitter that retweet your tweet if you use a hashtag that they respond to. There are a lot of bots that retweet Game Development related posts. And these bots usually have followers in the 1000s (if not more). So I use hashtags that they respond to and they retweet my tweet. So that's one way that I'm able to spread my videos. Also, if you use the appropriate hashtags, people searching for those kinda videos, will be able to find them easily on twitter.
Next, I head over to Facebook. I've created an official Demkeys Facebook page. I post on the page. I've joined a lot of groups relating to Game Development, so I post in each of those groups. There are some groups meant for YouTubers in general as well, so I post there as well.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
I do the same thing as OP and for a long time I thought it was pointless since YouTube analytic didn't reflect incoming users from those medias.... /Until/ I was inspired by Hootsuite to use my own urls for social media promoting. /According/ to stlyle short url analytics I indeed was getting incoming traffic from social media, so yeah social media makes a difference. Why wasn't it reflecting on YouTube analytics? No idea. Now a days I just look at "real time" analytics and total views on XYZ videos. Hope those 2 cents help!

majkxter x

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 5, 2016
Well I never use any of social media to promote my videos, I guess I have luck that people click on my videos at first place. But I guess there are a lot of people interested in game I make videos about. :)


Rising User
Jan 16, 2016
Id say even commenting on other channels that are the same content as yours (no not spamming) but actually engaging in conversations on someone elses channel. I have gain a few subscribers just from being interactive on someone elses channel

Jay Dakid

Rising User
Feb 1, 2016
I believe that twitter works best for self promoting. Try to follow people who are into the same type of games as you and also do videos that you can relate with them.

Armando Herrera

Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
So i've been doing a lot of self promotion on social media i.e; twitter, facebook, instagram, and on forums i'm registered on.

You don't get a whole lot of attention from those alone, from what I can tell anyway. I haven't spammed it, created a single thread and replied when necessary.

How do you guys get your name around?

Discuss away (y) (Y).
just talk to people. that's what i did. Now don't do sub4sub, thats really bad but sharing around via twitter,facebook,. and google+ is the away to go.