Solved Requestining to un-link problem.

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I have been on Freedom for close to a year now and have not been paid at all, I have set up everything to PayPal and verified my email but still have never been paid. So I want to leave I have looked on the George Show on how to leave and I am missing something on my profile on how to un-link. My YouTube dashboard does not have a drop down button it just says "Partner Verified" and has no un-link button. If someone could help me with this or if Freedom! could kick me out the partnership personally that would be fine by me, Thanks please help.

Picture of no drop down below..


You are currently not partnered with Freedom!, that is why you can not see the unlink button. It may also explain why you have not been paid at all. So there is nothing that you need to do to unlink from the Network.

How come it has been showing up my money I have earned in the dashboard and stuff?
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