Offering Reviews for Freedom! (Remake)


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey, it's been a while since I've done channel reviews (Actually it's been since a contest).

So I thought of bringing them back. Leave a reply to this thread if you want a full channel review. I won't use point scoring or anything else, you'll get a honest review with no formatting except bulletpoints, bold and rarely underligned or italics.

Please remember that you will need to link me your channel if you don't have it in your signature or the subbox below it.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Appreciate all the criticism I can get man, improvement is the key to success. Thanks a bunch for the offer :D
No problem, that's why I do them again!

Channel page
This section will be me going over the representation of your channel on the main page. Looking at your channel banner and Logo, they both are good though you could try getting your Logo (Which is awesome) into the channel banner to make them fit together nicely. As per channel links I can see a Twitch link, G+ and Twitter which is good enough. For the rest of the page, you could try featuring a specific playlist instead of all your playlists. The rest of it looks good too.

I've looked through some of your recent videos and they are okay. You might want to work on your lighting a little sometimes and another thing I've severely noticed is the camera being out of sync with the sound of the video which is something that happens easily in editing, is hard to actually fix again and you may not notice it in editing but it does throw you off quite a bit. Also you might want to cut your intro a bit as with intros it's like this for me:
  • 5 second Intro - Good
  • 10 second Intro - It's okay
  • 15 second Intro - Gets boring towards the end
  • 20 second Intro - Clicks away
Try shortening it or getting rid of it as it's way too long.

Well here's an issue I can see. You just use the description as a dumpster to put your three links in there. The description is almost as important as tags which is why that's a bad idea. Here's about how a Description should look:
  • 2-3 lines summarizing the video in keywords
  • 6-7 lines summarizing the video in even more detail
  • A few social Media Links
  • Whatever else you may want to add
Also, don't just end your Description on things like
Tags: youtube, prank, killed, murdered, face reveal, pewdiepie, markiplier, drama, scarce, exposed
as that's pretty much against all of YouTube's Terms Of Service. Try keeping the keywords in a connected sentence and it'll be good! ;)

I hope this has helped you out a little!


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Hey, it's been a while since I've done channel reviews (Actually it's been since a contest).

So I thought of bringing them back. Leave a reply to this thread if you want a full channel review. I won't use point scoring or anything else, you'll get a honest review with no formatting except bulletpoints, bold and rarely underligned or italics.

Please remember that you will need to link me your channel if you don't have it in your signature or the subbox below it.
A channel review always is nice to get some feedback. But with my channel keep in mind i am a Gameplay only channel so no audio commentary :p

Deleted member 17740

Hyia there @LW00!
Apart from my newest video which i forgot to edit, may i have a review of my channel and videos?
Also nice work on ya last review ;)


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Sorry it took so long...

Channel page and Trailer:
Your channel trailer has a good 3/4 to the end, though 1/4 of it is an intro. Even though you have a nice intro, it takes up a ton of time for a 3D image with a logo that doesn't add to the video at all. Yes, I hate intros from a retention standpoint, deal with it. As of the rest of the railer, it's an amazing wrapup of your channel, just please, cut the intro a bit. The rest of your channel page the banner and picture really work and match up well. You also have a good amount of links which is great. As to what's above the trailer, oh god I have a ton to talk about. So you have your Uploads, your Created playlists and a ton of other channel's playlists and then your Popular Uploads. While you can do some Playlist4Playlist and it's a good way of cross-promotion your channel can't come after it. The primary focus of your channel page should be your channel, not the promotion of someone else's. Think of a storefront. They will sell their own products and not tell you on a large sign how much better the products from the store next to it are, right? Try showcasing some of your own videos or playlists above the other ones.

Videos / Thumbnails
You have some nice thumbnails though some of your more recent ones are not that great anymore. I see your most viewed videos are FIFA 17 videos. These videos have amazingly outstanding thumbnails when you look at them. They are similar but still different. If you have a ton of similar Thumbnails people are more likely to click on another video if they see it in their recommendations. Trust me. Your more recent thumbnails are a bit of an issue. For one it's for a game with a darker theme and feel and on the other hand you want to use the text color that resembles it well. So you end up with this:

This thumbnail uses an image from the game, which is good, and uses text in almost the same color as the Background. Also some of the text is way too small. Just in the makign of this post after inserting the image I've seen the "Not my best Day" text. I really couldn't see that before. So my suggestion here is: Try making the text different from the Background. Here's a few things I would see working maybe:
  • Blur the background (a bit)
  • Add something around the letters to make them stand out from the background
  • Put less text in the Thumbnail than in the title (Titles are there for text, Thumbnails not really)
When making a thumbnail, here's a few important things to check:
  • Can I read the text on there if it's scaled down? (Zoom out in your image editing Software a ton) - People won't look at things they can't see right away!
  • Does it fit the other videos in the series? - It's important for a viewer to be able to see a video in the recommendations is part of the series they're watching and interested in. Our brain loves similar shapes.
  • Does it fit my channel theme? - Most good channels have kind of similar Thumbnails. Many have found a bar on a side of the Thumbnail to be working out.
I've just noticed on what a streak I'm going with these thumbnails...

My first impression of your playlists was "Hey, he has playlists!". my second one was "There's a ton of one-video playlists...".
I'd recommend you take your smaller playlists (Namely Steep, Dishonored 2, VR Sea Odyssey, VR London Heist, CASE: Animatronics and Mount your friends) and compile them into a large one or make more videos on that game. Nothing on YouTube is more useless than a 1-video playlist...

About Section
Love it. There's not a single link in there... You describe your channel in the few lines that matter and then have an upload schedule and it's over. EPIC.

Social Media
I've decided to incorporate this now. I'll be going over the linked Social media pages you have now. Your Twitter is a link dump. How should people find your Twitter by just posting your videos? Why should they follow you for just videos? If they want notifications for new videos, you know where they'll go? I do.

What I'm trying to convey is that people can just get notifications from YouTube and don't need to follow ya on Twitter for that. Make some other Tweets and if they are just random stuff going through your head. Trust me, it'll help in the long run.

So that's it. I hope I was able to give you some advice!

MSHAY Gaming

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 1, 2016
Sorry it took so long...

Channel page and Trailer:
Your channel trailer has a good 3/4 to the end, though 1/4 of it is an intro. Even though you have a nice intro, it takes up a ton of time for a 3D image with a logo that doesn't add to the video at all. Yes, I hate intros from a retention standpoint, deal with it. As of the rest of the railer, it's an amazing wrapup of your channel, just please, cut the intro a bit. The rest of your channel page the banner and picture really work and match up well. You also have a good amount of links which is great. As to what's above the trailer, oh god I have a ton to talk about. So you have your Uploads, your Created playlists and a ton of other channel's playlists and then your Popular Uploads. While you can do some Playlist4Playlist and it's a good way of cross-promotion your channel can't come after it. The primary focus of your channel page should be your channel, not the promotion of someone else's. Think of a storefront. They will sell their own products and not tell you on a large sign how much better the products from the store next to it are, right? Try showcasing some of your own videos or playlists above the other ones.

Videos / Thumbnails
You have some nice thumbnails though some of your more recent ones are not that great anymore. I see your most viewed videos are FIFA 17 videos. These videos have amazingly outstanding thumbnails when you look at them. They are similar but still different. If you have a ton of similar Thumbnails people are more likely to click on another video if they see it in their recommendations. Trust me. Your more recent thumbnails are a bit of an issue. For one it's for a game with a darker theme and feel and on the other hand you want to use the text color that resembles it well. So you end up with this:

This thumbnail uses an image from the game, which is good, and uses text in almost the same color as the Background. Also some of the text is way too small. Just in the makign of this post after inserting the image I've seen the "Not my best Day" text. I really couldn't see that before. So my suggestion here is: Try making the text different from the Background. Here's a few things I would see working maybe:
  • Blur the background (a bit)
  • Add something around the letters to make them stand out from the background
  • Put less text in the Thumbnail than in the title (Titles are there for text, Thumbnails not really)
When making a thumbnail, here's a few important things to check:
  • Can I read the text on there if it's scaled down? (Zoom out in your image editing Software a ton) - People won't look at things they can't see right away!
  • Does it fit the other videos in the series? - It's important for a viewer to be able to see a video in the recommendations is part of the series they're watching and interested in. Our brain loves similar shapes.
  • Does it fit my channel theme? - Most good channels have kind of similar Thumbnails. Many have found a bar on a side of the Thumbnail to be working out.
I've just noticed on what a streak I'm going with these thumbnails...

My first impression of your playlists was "Hey, he has playlists!". my second one was "There's a ton of one-video playlists...".
I'd recommend you take your smaller playlists (Namely Steep, Dishonored 2, VR Sea Odyssey, VR London Heist, CASE: Animatronics and Mount your friends) and compile them into a large one or make more videos on that game. Nothing on YouTube is more useless than a 1-video playlist...

About Section
Love it. There's not a single link in there... You describe your channel in the few lines that matter and then have an upload schedule and it's over. EPIC.

Social Media
I've decided to incorporate this now. I'll be going over the linked Social media pages you have now. Your Twitter is a link dump. How should people find your Twitter by just posting your videos? Why should they follow you for just videos? If they want notifications for new videos, you know where they'll go? I do.

What I'm trying to convey is that people can just get notifications from YouTube and don't need to follow ya on Twitter for that. Make some other Tweets and if they are just random stuff going through your head. Trust me, it'll help in the long run.

So that's it. I hope I was able to give you some advice!
First off thanks for taking the time for the detailed review! Secondly i do agree with alot of.what you said, the thing is my channel has become a little bit of a side case right now. As my life has become so crazy i havnt had time like i used to have to put 100% effort in, thats why my thumbnails for example are not as good as before. I also dont have as much time to even play anf record like before so yes i understand my channel is taking a hit or two. Im sure i will soon find the time and change it up again. As for the twitter and stuff yes i know mine is poor right now but thats only because youtube is my primary concern at this point and i only have the time for one. My instagram however i do post more private things about my life so atleast thats different. Anyway thanks again for your time appreciate it !