Gaming Sup, i'm Psych from GameCrashStudios

Game Crash Studios

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 31, 2015
Your name/alias: GameCrashStudios or Psych my videos
Where are you from?: Not gonna answer
How old are you?: 15
How did you find Freedom!? Referred to by another partner months ago
What made you join our forums?: Another place to talk about my channel and youtube in general
What are your hobbies?: I like to practice MMA, Violin, read, play games, edit videos,
What is your favorite food? Saltine crackers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why did you start YouTube? As a hobby to practice my video editing and to post whatever I feel like really
What is your biggest dream? Becoming a professional video editor or computer technician as my job. Whichever job I get the other I will do freelance.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming mostly with a few random videos of all kinds in between.
How frequently do you upload?: Whenever I feel like it xD

Basically I do youtube because I enjoy editing and I enjoy uploading. I don't expect to become some superstar and highly doubt I will. I don't do it for the money either because 1. I doubt I will get much and 2. It drains peoples spirit when they try to do youtube for just the money.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
Your name/alias: GameCrashStudios or Psych my videos
Where are you from?: Not gonna answer
How old are you?: 15
How did you find Freedom!? Referred to by another partner months ago
What made you join our forums?: Another place to talk about my channel and youtube in general
What are your hobbies?: I like to practice MMA, Violin, read, play games, edit videos,
What is your favorite food? Saltine crackers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why did you start YouTube? As a hobby to practice my video editing and to post whatever I feel like really
What is your biggest dream? Becoming a professional video editor or computer technician as my job. Whichever job I get the other I will do freelance.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming mostly with a few random videos of all kinds in between.
How frequently do you upload?: Whenever I feel like it xD

Basically I do youtube because I enjoy editing and I enjoy uploading. I don't expect to become some superstar and highly doubt I will. I don't do it for the money either because 1. I doubt I will get much and 2. It drains peoples spirit when they try to do youtube for just the money.

Welcome to the family Game Crash Studios, What games do you play?