Solved Thread Posting Mistakes

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
So as this is my first day here on the forum i'm really curious to know if there are little tips and what not's to know if things are "Working As They Should Be" I already made a few mistake posts and deleted one to make sure it was put in the right place, but my main question is how will i know if a post is rejected or unacceptable? Will i get a warning or things like that for making small fixable mistakes ect ect. I'm just really curious as to how things work around here to better be able to navigate the system. Thanks!

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
As Showcase has said above, normally if its just a little thing and you don't break a forum rule, we give the benefit of the doubt and tell you what you would need to change / do on the post to make it comply with the rules of the particular section of the forum you are posting on. As for the Giveaway section if this isn't acceptable and is rejected we will let you know via a DM about it and tell you the reason for it.

Hope that helps, and if you need anything else please don't hesitate to ask :)
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