Gaming Time to Introduce Myself


New User
Freedom! Member
Jun 7, 2016
I'm not really new to Freedom!. In fact, about 3 years ago, I was apart of a group channel that was partnered with Freedom! But, alas, that channel is gone and long deleted. So, I guess I'll have to start all over.

I never thought I'd actually try making videos again, as my current channel is mostly dedicated to the game I play, Super Smash Bros. However, since it is summer, I've become more ambitious and decided to make more videos.

Right now, all the videos I've done so far are per friend request and I don't want to post them due to the fact that they're mostly joke videos. So, I'll just leave you with this brief (not really) introduction of myself.

Age / 14
Smash Bros. Competitive Gamer

TJ (Makofeesh)

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 2, 2014
Welcome to the Freedom Community! I've learned that even if a video is a joke for you and your friends, if you think other people will find it funny, upload it! Record things that you enjoy and post it, that will be so much better content than posting videos along the lines of things that are popular at the time ie. Agario, Minecraft, etc. Good luck with your channel! If you ever need any help with anything, feel free to email me and I'd be glad to help!