Twitch or Hitbox?

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Active Member
May 13, 2016
Mod msged me because I was obviously being a ****. Right, I'm sorry. Whatever, your opinion is yours, mine is mine. I'll stay in school, don't worry. I would obviously not leave school. Regarding about the "Can't believe you just compared Youtube and twitch to burgers, two completely different things." part. I said "so I'll say it as an analogy" do you know what an analogy is? Here, I'll save you your time: noun, plural analogies. 1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump.

Except there is no comparison between flipping burgers at the same time and doing youtube/twitch at the same time. 2 burgers on the same pan right next to each other easily done, Can you stream and edit videos at the same time... no.

Again still being arsey and sarcastic to people trying to help you, maybe you should drop your teenage attitude tantrums and actually grow up because acting like this will get you no where in life.
If people are offering help and advice you take it regardless if you agree with it or not, if you don't like the advice fine, say thanks for the advice and move on, but don't come on forums b!tching and screaming at everyone willing to help, your 14, you'll get put down everytime by the older, much more experience people here and you will definitely alienate yourself from everyone.



Rising User
Feb 21, 2016
Except there is no comparison between flipping burgers at the same time and doing youtube/twitch at the same time. 2 burgers on the same pan right next to each other easily done, Can you stream and edit videos at the same time... no.

Again still being arsey and sarcastic to people trying to help you, maybe you should drop your teenage attitude tantrums and actually grow up because acting like this will get you no where in life.
If people are offering help and advice you take it regardless if you agree with it or not, if you don't like the advice fine, say thanks for the advice and move on, but don't come on forums b!tching and screaming at everyone willing to help, your 14, you'll get put down everytime by the older, much more experience people here and you will definitely alienate yourself from everyone.


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