Gaming Vetrro's Internet Introduction!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 17, 2016
Hello Everyone, Most people online just call me Vetrro and I am actually more comfortable with just that so I don't normally put my real name out there. I am from Canada & love it here, always things to do and I like the change of seasons. I am currently 19 and hope to become more well known as a person through the help of this great community!

I found freedom off of another content creator on youtube as i was looking to join a network to get more feedback on content and connect with other content creators for a nice community feel. My main hobbies include producing content, editing, creating custom GFX and of course gaming.

I started YouTube because I love making content for others to enjoy. I would also love to get more feedback on how I can improve myself for the audience and make my content even better! Currently I am running a Gaming channel and love it. I Upload 1-2 times per day depending on my free time and current games I have available to record.

Well... That was a bit about me and i hope that I will fit into the Freedom community :)
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