Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 3 - Helya - No Tank No Problem

Al Valentyn

Mac Gaming Connoisseur
Freedom! Member
Jan 4, 2014
We rush through Mythic Plus 3 Maw of Souls only to lose our tank at the final boss. No problem at all!

The Maw of Souls, also known as The Naglfar, is a new dungeon in World of Warcraft: Legion.
While the greatest vrykul warriors are spirited away to the Halls of Valor to glory eternal, shiny and gold, the cursed and the damned find themselves on the shores of the Maw of Souls. Amidst fog and mist, they await the Naglfar, a fearsome ship formed from sinew and bone, which comes to deliver these poor souls to helheim, and the clutches of Helya.