Gaming Welcome to my channel - Neon Genesis

Neon Genesis

New User
Feb 4, 2016
Hey guys, My names Neon Genesis, I'm a British Let's player and I've been doing this for approximately 3 years now.

I occasionally dabble in some guides for Final Fantasy 14 Online (The Online MMO) too. I pretty much do any sort of game on my channel, and my dream goal is to reach 1000 Subscribers. By all means, take a look at some of the playlists, I can't promise you I'm a skilled gamer but, my hearts in the right place!

I'm Neon Genesis, Welcome to the channel, Enjoy your stay~


Neon Genesis

New User
Feb 4, 2016
Hey Neon Genesis and Welcome to the Freedom! Community Forums! I hope you'll be having a good time here!

What do you think makes your channel stand out from other Gaming Channels on YouTube?

Hello LW001, Nice to meet you.

I personally think that a lot of gaming channels this day an age on YouTube are all fairly similar to a degree where people will try to be as funny as they can, will lots of editing, similar to Pewdiepie's style. I'm not criticising anyone's channel or styles, Just that I feel that, that seems to be the trend, so as far as that goes, I'd say my channel isn't following that trend, It's more Old School Let's playing, with hopefully, nice commentary.

I would like to think that with my videos an the way I play my games, I'd like to think that I'm "A Friend sat next to you" playing through the game next to you. I love to play games and just want to share my love an experience with games with anyone who watches my videos. I try my best to be a guide and just have fun!

Another thing I think (Which is only a small thing) But, I tend to not swear on my videos, I normally replace swear words with other names, as I want my audience not to be for just adults, but for any age group.

Thank you for replying an getting back to me, and welcoming me. :D
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