Gaming Whats Up


New User
Mar 4, 2016
Hey i'm Caden a.k.a ThatMrGamerMan.
I found freedom from watching a video saying that freedom is offering a partnership to small channels.
I joined our forums to look at other channels and hopefully people can look at mine.
My hobbies are surprisingly video games just in case you couldn't tell.
My favorite food is a pomegranate
I started YouTube as a hobbie and to give me something i can do and also entertain people at the same time.
My dream is to get 1,000 subscribers on youtube.
I run a friendly channel and when i get to a certain amount of subs i will do subscriber shout out and all of that.
I run gaming channel that does funny moments and also lets plays and much more.
I try to upload 2 times week maybe three times.
Channel Link: